I disagree, the UK is at a turning point. The people have not been represented by the incumbent MP. He should have quit a long time ago. History has recorded MPs being elected days before a GE or in … (View Post)
I disagree, By-elections should in the future be mandated to be held within say 40 days of the death of the sitting member. People need representation and the services MPs are elected to fulfil. Mess… (View Post)
Look at JRM, he has a hedge fund that has been invested in non-sterling assets that will rise in value as sterling falls. The paradox with JRM is he is betting against Britain and has been incorporat… (View Post)
What about the families the new 200,000 people with no job support? You clearly have never suffered hardship the way you casually suggest it does not matter... (View Post)
+1 I agree. I actually think an even more hung parliament is a good thing in the current political backdrop. Better to be able to do nothing than anything reckless! (View Post)