(Already answered, but I'll answer the extra question too) Yes Yes Don't know. Probably? Can we have both, but shift away from taxes on income and shift towards taxes on property please? Long sword. … (View Post)
I like the 'exclusions'. Excludes the shooter themselves, excludes it if only three people or less die, and excludes 'gang related killings', which it doesn't define. Maybe gangsters dying don't real… (View Post)
You know, there is that episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Parallels. Where Worf shifts from reality to reality. The one with Riker in command, the one where the Borg has won, the one with Tr… (View Post)
The answer to your second question is "Yes" actually. If Russia had simply turned off the taps, they are liable for termination payments under the Nordstream contracts. I appreciate they wo… (View Post)