I hope those wankers who said Trump would be better for Ukraine than Biden/Harris are feeling good tonight. US Govt has quietly begun to shut down desperately needed arms to Ukraine, @WSJ reports ton… (View Post)
What it will do is stop further Con to Reform switchers in my humble opinion. Based on the Tory WhatsApp groups I'm there's a definite vibe shift against Trump and anyone trying to defend that disgra… (View Post)
YouGov will be out tomorrow night/Tuesday which will be entirely post ambush. More In Common may be majorly post ambush and potentially that could be entirely post ambush and a similar release timefr… (View Post)
Everyone is fine talking about AI, Leon on the other hand ends up spamming the site about the topic. One day out of 200 comments about 80 of them were Leon posting about AI/photos generated by AI, at… (View Post)