Again, I would question that. The car manufacturers are not showing much inclination to develop mass market EV models. Instead, what they have done - and some such as BMW and Mercedes have been expli… (View Post)
Perhaps in the US. I would question that in the UK. At the end of the day, there is an implicit class / socio-economic issue here. If you are fairly well-off you will be fine (you will have a drive, … (View Post)
I do not think that is the case. I think it is more the point that parents will do what they can to keep their children in private schools but there becomes a tipping point at which they cannot / wil… (View Post)
Two things here: 1. As with everything with Trump, a lot of the problem with working out how big is this actually is the extent to which partisanship is colouring views on what are the realistic chan… (View Post)
Slightly tangential but, on the surface, the lack of Guardianista outrage at the Police's arrest of TikToker Mizzy was a bit of a mystery considering he was a young Black man who was criticised for h… (View Post)