> @Cicero said: > British Steel goes under. BTW if you start putting "protective" tariffs on steel, you just made the rest if UK manufacturing uncompetitive, so goodbye JLR and the sh… (View Post)
> @Morris_Dancer said: > Mr. Palmer, that seems to be the thinking of some Conservative MPs but they're making the same mistake they did when May prevaricated for months on end, just thinking s… (View Post)
> @Brom said: > Compared to the hard work, planning and organisation of The Brexit Party and you can see why one is succeeding and one is failing. Like a microcosm of the referendum - thinking … (View Post)
Well Panama uses the dollar so it's not unheard of... List of dollarised countries - some crackers in there that you will join: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dollarization You will be the first countr… (View Post)