Also- the success of the Thatcher to Major switcheroo taught the Conservative Party two really unhelpful lessons. First- that the way to pull out of a polling slump is to change the leader. Second (f… (View Post)
Famously, the Veep doesn't have much to do. But that's the second screed following criticism from someone on the British non-MAGA right. Three, and it will start to look Pavlovan. (View Post)
Trouble is that fucking people over for short term advantage is Trump's idea of what business is. It's the gaping hole at the heart of the Apprentice format, and also the story of DJT's career. Musk … (View Post)
Don't forget the nice people who get church roofs fixed. They're just as bad. (Which of the voices in her head fed her that line? Has any politician ever risen to the top via a sucsessful fundraising… (View Post)
And in some ways, the persuasion job is easier. Net zero sounds expensive and abstract and hypothetical. Balancing the books, big numbers, yawn. Supporting an invaded country (and only fringe loonies… (View Post)