Meanwhile, in "she's so close to getting it" news... The Tory leader said: “Now, the Liberal Democrats are basically a protest party for mainly people on the left, and they don’t have much … (View Post)
I'm more horrified at the standard of editing in the Speccie these days. Imagine confusing the words "confessions" and "boasts". I blame whoever was in charge of education just ov… (View Post)
Same procedure as usual. Blame Harris and Biden for being unelectably woke. Trump boosters have had to overlook his actions in January 2021. If they can excuse that, they can excuse anything. (View Post)
Presumably you just end up with some other retailer taking the contracts to host a Post Office counter, willy-nilly. Whereas what should happen is that the Post Office buys WHS High Street for a quid… (View Post)
There is a difference in tone, I reckon. Something about the difference between "Politician X is rubbish" and "Politician X has no right to be there". Both strands have been there… (View Post)