I think you're onto something with the cultural alienation... See also the plaintive "I just want my country back" comments this side of the pond. But I suspect that a fair bit of that is a… (View Post)
It's the right question, but I've a horrible feeling that it doesn't have a stable answer. It's the human condition to often want to contradictory things. For my job to be stable, protected and well-… (View Post)
The trouble is that what the public wants (and votes for) is lowish tax and highish spending. You can make high tax'n'spend work, or low tax'n'spend. But we don't really want either of those. So we h… (View Post)
Wasn't IDS what happened after Hague lost? The loser's cycle in both 1997 and 2010 was "plausible but wrong junior Cabinet minister" followed by "unelectable fruitloop". (View Post)