Agree, but unfortunately the kindest thing that can be said about many in the Anglosphere right is that, right now, they are behaving like fools. It's probably due to internet algorithms. (View Post)
The rules say she is immune from challenge until November... But ask Truss, Johnson and May how much good immunity did them. And with speeches like today's, Badenoch will be very fortunate not to get… (View Post)
Given that Spode himself was already famous for wearing shorts, that would mean Vance is wearing very short sho... OH NO, GIVE ME THE EMERGENCY MIND BLEACH NOW... (View Post)
And if the wet wing (who have reason to trust Johnson about as far as they can throw him, and all that muscle is heavy) don't want to respond to that welcome? (View Post)
NATO is USA, Canada and Europe. If it becomes necessary to distance ourselves from the USA (because their government has gone utterly tonto and cannot be trusted), you end up with a European army by … (View Post)