That may be Team Trump's intention. Hell, all politicians tell themselves that their legacy is permanent. Often the remarkable thing is how quickly normality can re-establish. Consider Germany after … (View Post)
After all, it got to the Senate, which really ought to have been sufficient. But there was a sudden lack of backbones on the red side. I can sympathise, but can't respect. Maybe the "democratic … (View Post)
There's also the Macbeth threshold to consider- when a government's actions in office have been so bad that its members daren't risk not being in office, so they double down on the wrongdoing. There … (View Post)
Totally not the setup of a heist caper. (Mostly because the protagonsists of heist capers are strangely loveable. See last night's love for Thomas Crown.) Oh Sinner Man, where you gonna run to? (View Post)