Such is the toxicity of the Tory brand among a goodly proportion of the electorate that even the undoubted crapness of Ed may not prevent him from becoming the next PM. (View Post)
And the current government, which has been in power for over three years, failed to notice and has forbidden councils from building new schools, unless they are Free Schools. It is, therefore, puttin… (View Post)
Imagine my surprise to find perennial haters of the Labour party on here seeking to blame Miliband for the murder of children and for providing succour to dictators. Whoever would have thought it? (View Post)
Can we also open a book on how many posts this site's various tim obsessives will contribute on him? It's bound to be a five figure number; but just how high can it go? (View Post)
The Tories are the only ones that now actively advocate FPTP. If you want to talk about ridiculous, there's a prime example for you. But it is up to them if they want to make it harder for the UK to … (View Post)