Journalists writing stories about how disgraceful it is that some politicians have fibbed on their CVs reminds me very much of journalists writing stories about how disgraceful it is some politicians… (View Post)
When I was recruiting I always assumed their were lies on the CVs I read, based on the fact that there were lies on mine! Nothing horrific, just a bit of colour to make me look more interesting and q… (View Post)
I am always fascinated by people who have so many more political conversations than I do out in the real world. I almost never hear anyone on buses, in supermarket queues or in pubs talking about pol… (View Post)
I doubt Zelensky is foolish enough to take Trump's word. If there is a deal, it will have to be watertight. It may just look like the one Starmer and Macron are working on. If Zelensky can get US peo… (View Post)