God forbid he gets in a sledge on wheels, goes 50 yards until he's out of sight and then gets out and back in to his Ministerial Car dressed on and old shirt, tight shorts knee length socks and dress… (View Post)
God forbid he ever slipped his security to vanish off to meet the KGB in an Italian Villa and turned up drunk and dishevelled in a deserted Railway Station (View Post)
Why should those MOST ABLE be able to get a VAT exemption that others can't get. To build Polo pitches, to maintain Golf Courses, to have Olympic quality Swimming Pools that 99% of the population can… (View Post)
Just been announced by Whispering Bob Harris on Radio 2 that Johnnie Walker has passed away. No surprise but very sad nonetheless. Grew up with him on Radio 1 School Lunch slot Someone up in Heaven w… (View Post)
I can 100% relate to this. I was a Bank employee at the time and would sit in Meetings (on a nice solid salary and package) and listen to the IR35 Consultants you describe spouting basically bullcrap… (View Post)