The complete mess the government have found themselves in over the Internal Market bill is a direct result of them ignoring the fact that there were only ever 2 options over the NI situation. Option … (View Post)
So lets get this straight. You're at the horse races, and the a horse at 7-1 comes in beating the favourite. You then go up to the bookmaker and say "well you've screwed that up. That horse shou… (View Post)
Take the time to watch this interview that Callaghan did with 3 journalists in 1978 and I challenge you not to be impressed at the detail he has of his brief.… (View Post)
I've read a couple of cases where police have carried out 'no knock' raids on homes, and seeing an intrusion without warning people have reached for their gun and shot the police dead. In many states… (View Post)
I've always thought the archetypal 'gammon' was a middle class real ale bore who too easily gives his opinion to anyone that will listen down the village boozer. Think Dave Nice from Smashie & Ni… (View Post)