I prefer the model where they stick to the lands they were given under international treaty and stop stealing it from the Palestinians. It appears you are an apologist for genocide and ethnic cleansi… (View Post)
Combination of both from what we can see. Depended on where the estates were. There was a lot of slave labour used in the Iron working estates of the Weald which were run by the Classis Britannica (t… (View Post)
No not really. It is not surprising that the Britons remained stroing in areas that had not been part of the villa landscape economy. Indeed it is possible that the ethnic cleansing you refer to had … (View Post)
You do know that huge amounts of information including origin and cultural affinity can be learned fom cremation burials? I excavated one of the earliest migration period cremation urns in Eastern En… (View Post)
Excellent comment and says a lot of what I wanted to add but left out of my reply. Expecially the stuff about an anglo-saxon vocabulary with a Brythonic grammar. Also worth adding that many of our la… (View Post)