It was interesting last year, at the hieght of the 'economically inactive' hyping, to see the actual catagories which counted towards the headline 9 million number. Some of them clearly, to my mind, … (View Post)
For thems of you interested in such things, the Vernal Equinox was at 9.01 this morning. From now on our days are longer than our nights. Hope all PB readers enjoy the Spring and Summer. (View Post)
Nope. Hamas are indeed evil but they are not the target of the Israeli attacks. Israel aims to drive all the Palestinians out of Gaza by ethnic cleansing. And they also intend to do the same to the W… (View Post)
As I mentioned previously I opened an ISA for each of my children when they were born and put in what we could afford each month. 18 years later it was enough to pay for my daughter through Uni and g… (View Post)
Ukraine can end the conflict immediately by surrendering all their territory and laying down arms unconditionally - why haven't they? You see your statement sounds as ridiculous as mine. (View Post)