As I mentioned previously I opened an ISA for each of my children when they were born and put in what we could afford each month. 18 years later it was enough to pay for my daughter through Uni and g… (View Post)
Ukraine can end the conflict immediately by surrendering all their territory and laying down arms unconditionally - why haven't they? You see your statement sounds as ridiculous as mine. (View Post)
As long as you heat it to a good temeprature to kill off any bugs then it is fine. Some dishes actually benefit from being reheated several times - especially if they are frozen as well at some point… (View Post)
Well judging by the number of people taking holidays every year, subscribing to netflix, Amazon Prime and Sky or buying new cars, clearly it isn't the case that 'most' people are in your situation. S… (View Post)
I like to think I have principles but when it comes to tax I think the main reason I stick to the rules absolutely is because I am too frightened of getting caught. I pay everything they ask of me an… (View Post)