I have always thought the Trump-Mussolini similarities were uncanny. Particularly that 'head tilt stare into the distance whilst sticking out the bottom lip' thing. (View Post)
Interestingly I think Musk is a fascist - or maybe proro-fascist is a better description given he hasn't really got going yet. But I think the salute is entirely irrelevant and misleading. Far more i… (View Post)
FPT Well the US enforced that arrangement on Japan after WW2 as part of demilitarising their former enemy. But I wouldn't expect Trump to understand anything about history, even relativeky recent his… (View Post)
And far too many countries have found out that you can't enjoy liberty with security. Most of the Soviet bloc for a start. Or more to the point, most of our former Empire. Would you have told them th… (View Post)