If you think handing over the hostages would have stopped the Israelis doing this then I have a very rickety bridge to sell you. Even they aren't pretending that is the case. Look at their news confe… (View Post)
Of course. Someone has to pay for it. But if they are no longer private sector then the money that is provided either by customers or by taxpayers can be spent on the actual infrastructure and servic… (View Post)
Yep, my first thought was 'oh bloody hell not another Trump idiocy stamping all over civil rights'. But of course this is a bit different, at least on the face of it. This is not someone with a green… (View Post)
Laws are like dams. In times of flood they serve a vital purpose in holding back the waters long enough for the worst pressure to be siphoned off in a controlled manner. The US right now is in the mi… (View Post)
It wouldn't blow anyone's mind. I was suggesting exactly this more than a week ago and no one batted an eyelid. Not everything is about Brexit - except in your strange world. (View Post)