OT Watched All The President's Men for the Nth time last night and what a cracking film it is - the total absence of computers/just typewriters is increasing weird - that it was made in 1976 is just … (View Post)
I skip 99% of @JamesKelly's posts as he represents less of the SNP's voters than Owen Jones. He's not mainstream SNP at all from what I've read - he's far left and determined to be separatist whateve… (View Post)
@JamesKelly And now you've disagreed with one that pointed it out and another of mine saying what a great movie All The President's Men is. And that the journalists protected their sources for 33yrs.… (View Post)
@JamesKelly You disagreed with a post about Quincy MD? A TV show that's c40yrs old? My suggestion for a GetALife button is gaining traction. (View Post)
This looks like PB catnip ;^ ) "Children who are given anti-racism lessons in school are more likely to be intolerant outside the classroom, a major study found yesterday. It said accusing white… (View Post)