Come on now, when a Labourite tries to make a county point by rubbishing another, he's asking for it when he's in a tiny minority of voters. (View Post)
@Stodge And Shapps is merely throwing back all the crap Labour threw at the Tories and Balls in particular here. It was Labour who started this mud-slinging and revelled in it. Now they're getting it… (View Post)
@JamesKelly Do carry on - every single time you Disagree with a post of mine - I win. I said several posts ago that you'd been CheckMated. But you haven't got it yet - carry on repeating your mistake… (View Post)
Awww @JamesKelly - I see you are continuing with your campaign to Disagree with everything I post even when I simply quote the opinions of others like Peter Kellner. How long are you going to maintai… (View Post)