I can't help feeling there is a certain level of self-hating Urgh Plebs amongst the Labour Writing Cliquerati. We know well that the intellectuals like preaching to the congregation and living an ent… (View Post)
Mr Hodges is I suspect onto something "The Government – entirely coincidentally – opted to announce, 24 hours before the local elections, that £20 million of overseas aid to South Africa was goi… (View Post)
I'm not sure 10yrs is enough personally for James McCormick - selling fake bomb detectors is an appalling con trick. He deserves more IMO. How many died as a result of this appalling callousness? IIR… (View Post)
I'm really enjoying the Kipper stories - they're so trivial most of the time. The Mail has one about a Kipper candidate once sacked because he was a copper who was also a male escort in 2001. I reall… (View Post)
Been watching three series of Pretty Little Liars which was most entertaining teen-girl Scooby Doo Meets Mean Girls - S3 went rather strange but its back for another later in the year so it has some … (View Post)