For our resident IT nerds - this is a cool historical factoid. RT @Know: Price of 1 gig of storage over time: 1981 $300,000 1987 $50,000 1990 $10,000 1994 $1,000 1997 $100 2000 $10 2004 $1 2012 $0.10 (View Post)
We often discuss dead ducks on PB - this morning I discovered a very large and very dead mallard behind my front door. It had clearly been abducted as it went for an early morning constitutional. If … (View Post)
Ah, not just me then - and the first thing I noticed about Michael Heaver who is great value on Twitter - were his blue socks. I couldn't help feeling that was quite a subtle little appeal... :^ ) I … (View Post)
That's the second time I've seen that PEB and it gets better - slick but not glossy, exactly the demographics I'd expect to see, the messaging is clear and plain speaking. Absolutely no aspirational … (View Post)
Hmm. RT @amandacarpenter: Tamerlan's best friend and two other men found dead with their throats slit 2 years ago--murders went unsolved (View Post)