I'm not a fan of McDonald's but this is just urgh! David Whipple, from Utah, had originally planned to keep the burger for two months in order to show friends how its preservatives would maintain its… (View Post)
LOL RT @rolandwatson66: PM to 1922's 90th birthday bash: "I told Samantha I was going to see the '22. She said, it could be worse, they could be coming to see you." (View Post)
My highpoint of the last 24hrs has been McCluskey demanding a General Strike - given that 81% of Labour's donations have come from unions - this is marvellous news :^ ) (View Post)
Galloway endorses EdM - I'm sure he's delighted. I cringed when reading he was impressed with him *physically* - urgh George Galloway is in the news. Again. The weekend revelation that he met Ed Mili… (View Post)