When I worked at ICI in the nineties all non plant jobs had a grade so you could two quite different jobs that had the same grade and so the same pay scale. However fun ensued when they decided to sc… (View Post)
Blinks sorry but 1) the manager shouldn't have even known your password....bad it there, 2) it shouldn't have been a problem as your user name would be different (View Post)
FPT Think about this for a minute......you even put "graduate level" jobs in quotes. Should we be alright with the only way to get what are jobs that often could be done by a school leaver … (View Post)
I told my son uni was a bad idea when he asked...he went...he got an msc and then said he never wants to work in a lab ever again and says he wished he had taken my advice and learned a trade....I di… (View Post)