Thank you, interesting. I can't imagine most Labour voters are very happy with what they're seeing. I think Labour would haemorrhage votes to a left wing party, if one existed with a charismatic lead… (View Post)
Serious question - and putting VAT on private schools to one side, if you can - as someone who seems to be a fairly traditinal but pragmatic Conservative, how do you view Labour in practice? It seems… (View Post)
Haha, I saw that coming as soon as I pressed Post. And with deposition too in estuaries. Clearly the answer must be yes then after all :-) Of course I just wanted to interject a different opinion lig… (View Post)
I should add, that prior to Brexit some of my colleagues did that. But my employer has stated that for tax and visa reasons, we may not work outside the UK, except for legitimate business travel. (View Post)