Also, not much of an effort being made by Labour in Romford, as far as I can tell. If they win it will be by accident. One generic Labour window poster up in my road, and I haven't seen any others an… (View Post)
Six council by-elections tonight in a varied set of wards. Guess how many of them have a Reform Ca… (View Post)
Me too.They all seem sensible in priciple, and fairer as an approach. The devil would be in the detail (I don't know enough about the IHT gaps to comment) and arguments over what level to set some of… (View Post)
I doubt it will happen, but not much worse than 1983 and we seem to have survived. Anyway, the Tories will not be complaining about it as it's their preferred system. (View Post)
I'm feeling jealous of all these people seeing election billboards and posters all over the place. I've only seen two anywhere all campaign here or anywhere else- one on the local Labour Party HQ, an… (View Post)