Also - no new IT projects for 5 years? Really? What do you propose to do in 5 years' time when much of government IT is out of hardware and software support and has to be switched off? (And much of i… (View Post)
I've just spent the first part of my lunch break counting up how many seats have the same winner in all 7. Sad, I know. Lab -347 Con - 33 LD - 15 SNP - 9 PC- 2 I may have miscounted slightly, especia… (View Post)
I missed the first 20 minutes or so, but didn't think either came across very well and gave what I saw a 0-0 draw. I thought Sunak was rude, spoke over Starmer too often and should have been put in h… (View Post)
On 1, it's too late to do a deal but there is a risk that the Tories blunder off to the right and alienate their remaining moderate voters without gaining any votes from Reform, because they all love… (View Post)
Locally, the Residents have been dominant for so long the LDs have never been able to get a toehold on the Council to build on. And in any case until recently it has been such a safe Tory area that n… (View Post)