Cash is much better for splitting the bill. The other night we ate out, and instead of faffing around with multiple payments via the machine, we just slapped £40 each on the table and walked out. It … (View Post)
Biggest risk is Single Point of Failure. When my phone was stolen last year it took me about a week to get everything back the way it should have been. As I never use my phone to pay anything and eve… (View Post)
Whereas I roll my eyes at how unimpressive the Labour government has been so far (not actually that much worse than I was expecting) then look across at the Tory leadership contenders and conclude th… (View Post)
Haha @kjh I think it doesn't help that we aren't all that far apart politically. But you post far more than me so I doubt there is a more widespread confusion (I also confuse the Maxes) (View Post)
The thing about Labour that everybody keeps forgetting is that it is an inherently conservative party. Indeed at the moment it is the most conservative party in the UK. So its economic policy is no g… (View Post)