We treat age as far too decisive, since it varies so much between individuals. This gloomy thread partly overlooks the improvements in health over time, to the point that the average 65-year-old is p… (View Post)
Me, I suppose - I had 3 books published on wargames with a total sale of around 100,000 before I was elected for 13 years. The Comprehensive Guide to Board Wargaming appeared in various editions (Bri… (View Post)
I'm not sure you can generalise. I was in Parliament for 13 years and had roughly the same level of non-prominence as the MPs in question. I was certainly active online on things I didn't really feel… (View Post)
What PR does is shift the difficult business of bringing together different views from the electorate to the politicians, who are better-informed and more able to judge what is an acceptable compromi… (View Post)