I don't think one can conjure up a new army in less than a few years, by which time Trump will be about to retire (I don't expect the constitutional bar on a third term to go anywhere). That said, pl… (View Post)
Modern British racists are more culturally racist than strictly by ethnic descent. The number of people who openly object to the Conservative leader on racial grounds seems close to zero, because she… (View Post)
Mmm, I suspect we would not be all that different in practice (as Northern Al suggests), but I'm not convinced that our traditions are *always* right. I'm arguing, essentially, that we pick and choos… (View Post)
I can't summon up much interest in who said what in 2008, and I say that as someone with no particular affection for the Chancellor. I don't think the story will go anywhere. It's not political enoug… (View Post)
Not my experience in Oxfordshire, or previously London and Nottinghamshire. Party meetings aren't in my experience usually very exciting, or controversial - practical issues dominate. (View Post)