I'm mildly shocked - it never occurred to me to embellish my CV, or to look for lies on other people's CVs. Omissions, sure - what exactly were they doing in the 3-year gap between posts? But lies? W… (View Post)
Wow. All credit to you, including only describing it here when it related to the argument. That's rather awesome, quite beyond the NHS issue. (View Post)
Thank you, Max. Q1: I think we've already signalled that pretty effectively. Should we go on doing so indefinitely? Q2: I agree - Trump's approach inexplicably hands over key points in advance, ironi… (View Post)
I think the war itself is indefensible, and a very black mark on Putin's record. That said, the case for arming Ukraine indefinitely rests on either (1) believing that if Ukraine is seen to have lost… (View Post)
A CSU/CSU plurality seems a safe bet, as does the complete loss of FDP and fall in SPD support. The need to exclude the AFD probably points to a CDU-SPD coalition in the end, though a majority might … (View Post)