Genuine naivete here: if you use Twitter to exchange thoughts with the people you select as friends, why does it matter that some people are using it to exchange unpleasant opinions? How will you eve… (View Post)
Thanks very much! Diego+Frida house is likely to happen (the Trotsky link is interesting too - my grandfather, who had emigrated to the Americas, knew him, though he declined Trotsky's offer to get i… (View Post)
Off to Mexico om Wednesday for 2 weeks - Mexico City, Tecotihuacan, butterfly sanctuary, a couple of smaller towns and three days on the beach to finish up. Any tips? I'm particularly keen to choose … (View Post)
In general I skip posts which feature an anoymous poster attacking another anonymous poster personally - what's the point, and who cares? I think otherwise PB remains pretty healthy, as a place where… (View Post)
That's defining Reform as "right", whereas arguably they're something orthoganal to the left-right spectrum. They're a classic "I want stuff to change quickly" populst party. wher… (View Post)