Wow. All credit to you, including only describing it here when it related to the argument. That's rather awesome, quite beyond the NHS issue. (View Post)
Thank you, Max. Q1: I think we've already signalled that pretty effectively. Should we go on doing so indefinitely? Q2: I agree - Trump's approach inexplicably hands over key points in advance, ironi… (View Post)
I think the war itself is indefensible, and a very black mark on Putin's record. That said, the case for arming Ukraine indefinitely rests on either (1) believing that if Ukraine is seen to have lost… (View Post)
A CSU/CSU plurality seems a safe bet, as does the complete loss of FDP and fall in SPD support. The need to exclude the AFD probably points to a CDU-SPD coalition in the end, though a majority might … (View Post)
Agreed. But in general we try to pigeonhole people into reliable supporters of X, and real people are often harder to categorise. PB is valuable because it offers a space where people can explore the… (View Post)