Kicking off the religious theme FTP: A key doctrine of the Catholic Church is that what you do is the key determinant of whether you are saved or not. The focus. therefore, is on people's behaviour. … (View Post)
Again, the Red Mist descends. Hilary Clinton, and the claims that Trump was a Russian plant poisoned the electoral well in the US to the point we now have many Democrats saying that the Republicans c… (View Post)
If Trump was running a coup, he did a piss poor imitation of one. My dog could have done better. And if you think the Democrats won’t try to subvert the democratic process to keep themselves in contr… (View Post)
I’ll be blunt, I don’t think the Democrats would necessarily peacefully handover the reins of power if they lost. Obama had to tell Hilary Clinton to accept she lost in 2016 and things have got more … (View Post)