Can you see anything there, amongst the bowls of spaghetti thrown at the wall, that will actually survive contact with UN courts and assembly in the 2020s and 2030s? All the references to historical … (View Post)
I know what you are saying. There’s something else. Something changed the last governments mind, to set this deal making up. Something solid and persuasive enough. My theory is, it’s not internationa… (View Post)
The Chagos Deal. Actually, more I read into this Chagos stuff, more I’ve had “Edward Hyde” (from Cromwell film) switcheroo to other side. epiphany from me is realising Mauritius leaders, dear Commonw… (View Post)
I don’t think Dom and the Project 25 Gang believe in democracy and accountability. They see themselves as geniuses put on this earth to rule it. 🙁 (View Post)