Senior former BBC and OFCOM Board member just interviewed on Radio 5 Live. Said BBC had no choice - Lineker in clear breach of editorial guidelines which anyone can read (publicly available online) a… (View Post)
The result of the SNP leadership election is certainly going to provide great entertainment whichever way it goes. If Yousaf wins, SNP poll ratings will collapse, they'll lose dozens of seats at West… (View Post)
Yes, indeed - SNP members will follow the Labour and Conservative members textbook. Voters want Forbes so members will go for Yousaf - the worst choice for electability. IDS, Ed Miliband, Corbyn, Tru… (View Post)
In fact nine different polling companies have reported in the last week. Every single one has Lab in the range 45 to 51 - ie 48 +/- 3. So assume Lab is on 48. But for Con the range is greater - 21 to… (View Post)