This is a carbon copy of what we were told after Truss was deposed - ie that there was fury in local parties and amongst party members. Well what evidence is there of this? How many local party Chair… (View Post)
The UK is not a religious country and the public does not support the total charade of Bishops in the House of Lords. Techne poll earlier this year: 19% support Bishops in House of Lords 62% do not s… (View Post)
We don't need a national church any more than we need a national tiddlywinks society or a national pop group. If people want to go to a church they are free to do so and they can choose their own lea… (View Post)
Surely the big picture is we have a massively ageing population with fewer working people to support more retired people. And those retired people have an ever increasing need for health services and… (View Post)