It's a classic with backups that if they only kick in when something happens, even with regular testing, they fail all the time. This is true of IT and true elsewhere. In the case of somewhere like H… (View Post)
But, as the judge said in the Kids Company case, if we hold people who take on legal and moral responsibility legally and morally responsible for outcomes… how will we get Proper People to such jobs? (View Post)
The second flight of Falcon 1 failed because the staging wasn’t clean - interstage bumped into the nozzle for the second stage. Which caused the second stage to become unstable. I presume the claim r… (View Post)
Exactly. The response to failure has been to pile on more rules, in the belief that it is possible to cover every corner case. This is probably wrong and impossible - Humans and their works are non-l… (View Post)