The annual anomaly last year went above +1.5C, but the annual anomaly bounces up and down around the mean, due to random factors, so the long-term mean anomaly at this time is probably +1.3C. The wor… (View Post)
I, for one, welcome the opportunity of a substantial header to exercise my facility for sustained reading, just to prove that I'm capable of reading something longer than a few hundred words. (View Post)
Maybe they don't want the islands, but they want to have the grievance of not having the islands. I feel that a few people who campaigned for Brexit might have been happier with the vote going margin… (View Post)
I'd guess that most people go into politics for one of two reasons, which can broadly be labelled as bragging rights or megalomania. The bragging rights people are doing it to get one over someone el… (View Post)
Cromwell didn't ban Christmas. Cromwell was pally with the Independents, who were happy to let different congregations worship as they wished, provided they weren't non-Christians, or - gasp! - Papis… (View Post)