I just received Krugman's latest missive, in which he says this: "For a nation’s balance of payments always balances. That is (with some slight technical adjustments), Trade balance + Net inflow… (View Post)
Really interesting that this is the one polling result that shows a strong correlation between the answers from Tory and Reform voters. It suggests that opposing the current Labour government effecti… (View Post)
The annual anomaly last year went above +1.5C, but the annual anomaly bounces up and down around the mean, due to random factors, so the long-term mean anomaly at this time is probably +1.3C. The wor… (View Post)
I, for one, welcome the opportunity of a substantial header to exercise my facility for sustained reading, just to prove that I'm capable of reading something longer than a few hundred words. (View Post)
Maybe they don't want the islands, but they want to have the grievance of not having the islands. I feel that a few people who campaigned for Brexit might have been happier with the vote going margin… (View Post)