I don't remember claiming that either view was valid, I said it made my night. I think, though, that her parents were able to buy their council house. Would that be enough knowledge to validate her v… (View Post)
I guess he could have been a more effective politician, beaten the Tories (he did have two chances), and changed things. But I think the main point was that she was aware that Scargill and Kinnock we… (View Post)
@JamesKelly I don't think pointing out that Labour closed more mines than Thatcher implies a belief that mine-closing was a bad thing. Just like when Labour people point out that Thatcher closed more… (View Post)
A marked difference I've noticed in the reaction to Maggie's death has been on Facebook, between my friends from school (in Wiltshire) and my newer friends in London (where I've lived the last 5 year… (View Post)