Fascinating to know to origin of these bizarre numbers, which are all different. Was there a Whitehall sub committee back in the day which decided that screwdrivers should be 2.7% but shears 4.7% Wha… (View Post)
That's been doing the rounds on Whatsapp etc. Not written by the good Lord himself i don't think... 90% lol reaction amongst my acquaintances...but we are blessed with common sense perhaps :-) (View Post)
Self-selecting sample for sure buy my facebook and whatsapp feed has been fairly full of piss-taking about snowflakes who claim "not to understand" the stay alert message. One shared widely… (View Post)
On topic - surely the biggest factors affecting the next election will overwhelmingly be the fallout from and economic rebound after the Coronavirus, and how the UK fares post Brexit. These are both … (View Post)
I realise this is probably tantamount to clubbing seals or dissing the Queen, but personally i don't have that high an opinion of the NHS. The depressing testing anecdotes mentioned here ring very tr… (View Post)