How naive of you. You might recall over the last week a certain "Call Me Dave Cameron" has his bollocks handed to him by the palace without Brenda saying one word. (View Post)
Few matters are. However the opposition should have taken the high ground and allowed for a three day recess. By denying the recess they look petty and vindictive and in the mould of the man-child pr… (View Post)
I think a concern for Boris backers from the Survation poll is the 62/27 split on an apology to the Queen. The Prime Minister would do well to reflect on the comments by Jess Philips in the HoC last … (View Post)
Hunt said in terms "Boris when you inevitably f*ck up I'll be there to pick up the pieces and in the meantime I'm here doing some essential parliamentary brown-nosing." (View Post)