It would be a sorry comment on all those years of Tory austerity if the civil service still has over 10,000 jobs that can simply be axed with no consequences. It has taken precisely eight months for … (View Post)
Indeed. Half of the stuff the Tories promised to address, they didn’t really understand and hence f***ed up big time. The other half of the stuff the Tories promised to address, they never even tried… (View Post)
Read his autobiography. He’s clearly intelligent, and was, like Streeting, rescued from the usual fate of his class by a mother who believed in education. It’s a good read and while you don’t finish … (View Post)
If you still harbour any aspirations to a career in politics (despite your patent unsuitability), I’d strongly advise against going around describing child pornography offences as being “naughty”. (View Post)
Labour must really be regretting foolishly boxing themselves in so thoroughly with their safety-first election campaign. To have dined out on opposing ‘austerity’ for fourteen long years, only to be … (View Post)