Well he would now be a strong contender to replace Ed Davey as LD leader..after all he won most of the seats the LDs now hold in 2010 and 2015 and his 2010 to 2015 Tory and LD government was closer i… (View Post)
So basically Putin wants AfD, Le Pen or Melenchon, Reform and Confederation, Liberty and Independence wins in Europe and the GOP to stay in power in the USA (View Post)
If you are a white straight male who works in the private sector and lives in the Midwest and South or Pennsylvania and who voted for Trump last November is there much that he is doing you don't supp… (View Post)
It isn't as whether a Labour or SNP MP is elected makes sod all difference in reality to whether Starmer stays in office as in the end both would back a Labour over Tory or Reform led government. A W… (View Post)