It's remarkable that the PM's former chief adviser in a heavily publicised interview broadcast in prime time on state TV openly says he is part of a network of "a few dozen" people who want… (View Post)
Time to emigrate if Cummings rides back into No 10 with Gove. Kuenssberg is such a f***ing patsy. Otherwise she would have asked questions such as "What positions are your 'few dozen' in already… (View Post)
And what kind of ratings from the agencies? Who would finance a state that came into existence in a proud moment of debt repudiation? But separatists don't give a toss about any of that. All they wan… (View Post)
"Careless talk costs lives". Think morale considerations. All warfare has a psychological side, but biological warfare has a built-in factor of "our enemy can and does strike us - and … (View Post)