I hope that happens before Dido Harding takes over as head of the NHS. Someone with her record at TalkTalk should never have been allowed anywhere near public office. But no. A case of "Great CV… (View Post)
FPT This is so true. And it applies to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland just as much as to England. And it's not only expressed within the organisation that's being managed, but also in any kind … (View Post)
XR are an ecofascist apocalypse cult as a little bit of probing the Stroud connection will soon confirm. That dressing up in red robes and looking like ghosts too - it has a meaning. I hope MI5 keeps… (View Post)
There's so much rubbish and self-contradiction, from the "expert" on Radio 4 this morning using the word "immunisation" to mean "two-times vaccination against Covid-19" … (View Post)
John McAfee seems to have been mentally unhinged as well as being the kind of person I would leave town to avoid, but I did like the way he called the McAfee antivirus package (albeit only after it w… (View Post)