The English football team should change their anthem from the monarchist song that doesn't even mention England to ... the incomparably finer in all respects "Jerusalem" that does. Why hasn… (View Post)
FB are the most concerning of the three in this context, because they are so Islamophobic and because given the Tommy Robinson connection they have knowhow that they can call on when it comes to fome… (View Post)
Those idiots who harassed Chris Whitty weren't protestors or verbally abusive. They're probably not anti-vaccination. They probably don't give much of a sh*t about politics or public policy. They wer… (View Post)
It was probably a mistake for Labour to choose Kim Leadbetter as their candidate. That her sister was murdered seven years ago won't lose her any votes but I doubt it will win her many either. A lot … (View Post)
GG in Russia Today: "In 50 years in the rough & tumble of British politics, I’ve never been in as poisonous a campaign as this one": "I’ve been vilified, condemned, had a fake phot… (View Post)