I feel MPs are playing with fire here. The whole way constitutional government works is by both sides agreeing a common set of rules up front, and then funnelling policy arguments through those rules… (View Post)
He was 15 yards away while they laid the wreaths on their graves. In an article for the Morning Star afterwards he explicitly referred to two groups remembered - those killed in the Tunis bombing and… (View Post)
Your first sentence belies the second. Simply by supporting Leave means Sean is reprehensible to you. It is this thinking on both sides that is destroying our civic society. Supporting Remain does no… (View Post)
I have lurked on this board for a number of months now. Sean has always come over as one of the most measured participants while you have been one of the most vitriolic. I say this as a Remainer that… (View Post)
Yes it is. You are putting an anti-Semite in the highest political office in the land, giving him all the elevating authority that goes with that, and handing him control of when he steps down and wh… (View Post)